Śrīmad Devi Bhāgavatam | Book 12 Chapter 2



Chapter II

On the description of the Śaktis, etc., of the syllables of Gāyatrī

1-18. Nārāyaṇa said:

O Nārada! O Great Muni! Now hear which are the Śaktis in due order of the twenty four syllables of the Gāyatri Devī:-

(1) Vāma Devī, (2) Priyā, (3) Satyā, (4) Viśvā, (5) Bhadravilāsinī, (6) Prabhā Vatī, (7) Jayā, (8) Śāntā, (9) Kāntā, (10) Durgā, (11) Saraswatī, (12) Vidrumā, (13) Viśāleśā, (14) Vyāpinī, (15) Vimalā, (16) Tamopahāriṇī, (17) Sūkṣmā, (18) Viśvayoni, (19) Jayā, (20) Vaśā, (21) Padmālayā, (22) Parāśobhā, (23) Bhadrā, and (24) Tripadā.

Now hear the respective colours of the several syllables of the Gāyatrī Devī:

(1) like Champaka and Atasī flowers, (2) like Vidrumā, (3) like crystal, (4) like lotus; (5) like the Rising Sun; (6) white like conch-shell; (7) white like Kuṇḍa flower; (8) like Prabāla and lotus leaves; (9) like Padmarāga, (10) like Indranīlamaṇi; (11) like pearls; (12) like Saffron; (13) like the black collyrium of the eye; (14) red; (15) like the Vaidūrya maṇi; (16) like Ksaudra (Champaka tree, honey, water); (17) like turmeric; (18) like Kuṇḍa flower; and the milk (19) like the rays of the Sun; (20) like the tail of the bird Śūka; (21) like Śatapatra; (22) like Ketakī flower; (23) like Mallikā flower; (24) like Karavīra flower.

Now about their Tattvas:

(1) earth; (2) water; (3) fire; (4) air; (5) Ākāśa (ether); (6) smell; (7) taste; (8) form; (9) sound; (10) touch; (11) male generative organ; (12) anus; (13) legs, (14) hands; (15) speech; (16) Prana (vital breath); (17) tongue; (18) eyes; (19) skin; (20) ears; (21) Prāṇa (up going breath); (22) Apāna; (23) Vyāna, (24) Samāna.

Now about the Mudras of the syllables:-

(1) Sammukha; (2) Sampuṭa; (3) Vitata; (4) Vistṛita; (5) Dvimukha, (6) Trimukha; (7) Chaturmukha; (8) Pañchamukha; (9) Ṣaṇmukha; (10) Adhomukha; (11) Vyāpakānjali (12) Śakaṭa; (13) Yamapāśa; (14) Grathita; (15) Sanmukhon mukha (16) Vilamba; (17) Muṣṭika; (18) Matsya; (19) Kūrma; (20) Varāhaka; (21) Simhākrānta, (22) Mahākrānta; (23) Mudgara, and (24) Pallava.

The Mahāmudrās of the fourth foot of Gāyatrī are:

(1) Triśūlayonī (2) Surabhi; (3) Akṣa mālā; (4) Liṅga; and (5) Ambuja.

O Nārada! Thus I have described to you all about the Mudras, etc., of the several syllables of the Gāyatrī.

If during Japam, one thinks all these and at the same time repeats, all his sins are destroyed and his wealth gets increase and the fame attends on him.

Here ends the Second Chapter of the Twelfth Book on the description of the Śaktis, etc., of the syllables of Gāyatri in the Mahāpurāṇam Śrīmad Devī Bhāgavatam of 18,000 verses by Mahāṛṣi Veda Vyāsa.