Shri Kali Sahasranama Stotram


Śrī Kālīsahasranāma Stotram

Śmaśānakālikā kālī bhadrakālī kapālinī |
Guhyakālī mahākālī kurukullāvirodhinī |1|

Śmaśānakālikā – She Who is the Remover of Darkness from the Cremation Grounds or from Death |1
Kālī – She Who is the Remover of Darkness |2
Bhadrakālī – She Who is the Excellent Remover of Darkness |3
Kapālinī – She Who is the Bearer of the Skulls of Impurity |4
Guhyakālī – She Who is the Hidden or Secretive Remover of Darkness |5
Mahākālī – She Who is the Great Remover of Darkness |6
Kurukullāvirodhinī – She Who Confronts the Forces of Duality |7

Kālikā kālarātiśca mahākālanitambinī |
Kālabhairavabhāryā ca kulavartmaprakāśinī |2|

Kālikā – She Who is the Cause of Removing the Darkness |8
Kālarātiśca – She Who is the Dark Night of Egotism and… |9
Mahākālanitambinī – She Who is the Eternal Mother of Great Time |10
Kālabhairavabhāryā ca– She Who is the Wife of the Fearfulness of Infinite Time and…|11
Kulavartmaprakāśinī– She Who Illuminates the Whole World Family |12

Kāmadā kāminī kāmyā kamanīyasvabhāvinī |
kastūrīrasaliptāṅgī kuñjareśvaragāminī |3|

Kāmadā– She Who is the Giver of All Desire |13
Kāminī– She Who is the Giver of This Desire |14
Kāmyā– She Who is Desired |15
Kamanīyasvabhāvinī– She Who is the Intrinsic Nature of that which is Desired |16
kastūrīrasaliptāṅgī– She Whose limbs are Anointed with the Juice of Musk |17
kuñjareśvaragāminī– She Who Moves like the Lord of Elephants (Indra’s Airāvata) |18

kakāravarṇasarvāṅgī kāminī kāmasundarī |
kāmārtā kāmarūpā ca kāmadhenuḥ kalāvatī |4|

kakāravarṇasarvāṅgī– She Who is All the Limbs of the Letter “Ka”, the Cause |19
kāminī– She Who is This Desire |20
kāmasundarī– She Who is Beautiful Desire |21
kāmārtā– She Who is the Object of Desire |22
kāmarūpā ca– She Who is the Form of Desire and…|23
kāmadhenuḥ– She Who is the Cow which Fulfills All Desires |24
kalāvatī– She Who is the Repository of All Qualities or Arts |25

kāntā kāmasvarūpā ca kāmākhyā kulapālinī |
kulīnā kulavatyambā durgā durgārtināśinī |5|

kāntā– She Who is Beauty Enhanced by Love |26
kāmasvarūpā ca– She Who is the Intrinsic Form of Desire and…|27
kāmākhyā– She Whose name is Desire |28
kulapālinī– She Who Protects Excellence |29
kulīnā– She Who is Excellence |30
kulavatyambā– She Who is the Repository of Excellence |31
durgā– She Who is the Reliever of Difficulties |32
durgārtināśinī– She Who is the Destroyer of All Various Difficulties |33

kumārī kulajā kṛṣṇā kṛṣṇadehā kṛśodārā |
kṛśāṁgī kuliśāṁgī ca krīṁkārī kamala kalā |6|

kumārī– She Who is Ever Pure |34
kulajā– She Who is Gives Birth to Excellence |35
kṛṣṇā– She Who Manifests All Action |36
kṛṣṇadehā– She Who Has a Dark Body |37
kṛśodārā– She Who is Holds Aloft All Action |38
kṛśāṁgī– She Who is Embodies All Action |39
kuliśāṁgī ca– She Who is the Embodiment of Excellence and… |40
krīṁkārī– She Who is Causes Dissolution of the Subtle Body into the Causal Body |41
kamala– She Who is a Lotus (Lakṣmi) |42
kalā– She Who is Art or All Attributes |43

karālāsyā karālī ca kulakāntā-parājitā |
ugrā ugraprabhā dīptā vipracittā mahānanā |7|

karālāsyā– She Who Has a Gaping Mouth |44
karālī ca– She Who Dissolves All into Her Being and…|45
kulakāntā-parājitā– She Whose Excellent Beauty is Undefeated |46
ugrā– She Who is Terrible |47
ugraprabhā– She Whose Light is Terrible |48
dīptā– She Who is Light |49
vipracittā– She Whose Objects of Consciousness are Varied |50
mahānanā– She Who has a Great Face |51

nīlāghanā valākā ca mātrā mudrāmitāsitā |
brāhmī nārāyaṇī bhadrā subhadrā bhaktavatsalā |8|

nīlāghanā– She Who has the Complexion of a Dark Cloud |52
valākā ca– She Who Exemplifies the Freedom of a Swan and…|53
mātrā– She Who is Verse |54
mudrāmitāsitā– She Whose Positions of Her Limbs are Extremely Elegant |55
brāhmī– She Who is Creative Energy |56
nārāyaṇī– She Who is the Exposer of Consciousness |57
bhadrā– She Who is Excellent |58
subhadrā– She Who is the Excellent of Excellence |59
bhaktavatsalā– She Who Nourishes All Devotees |60

māheśvarī ca cāmuṇdā vārāhī nārasiṁhikā |
vajrāṅgī vajrakaṅkālī nṛmuṇdasragviṇī śivā |9|

māheśvarī ca– She Who is the Great Seer of All and…|61
cāmuṇdā– She Who Moves in the Paradigm of Consciousness |62
vārāhī– She Who is the Boar of Sacrifice |63
nārasiṁhikā– She Who is the Ferocious Half Human Half Lion of Courage |64
vajrāṅgī– She Who has Limbs of Lightning |65
vajrakaṅkālī– She Whose Head Shines Like Lightning |66
nṛmuṇdasragviṇī– She Who is Adorned by a Garland |67
śivā– She Who is the Energy of the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness |68

mālinī naramuṇdālī galatrudhirabhūṣaṇā |
raktacandanasiktāṅgī sindūrāruṇamastakā |10|

mālinī– She Who Wears a Garland of Skulls |69
naramuṇdālī– She Who holds the Head of a man |70
galatrudhirabhūṣaṇā– From theGarland of Skulls around Her Neck Fall Drops of Blood |71
raktacandanasiktāṅgī– She Whose Limbs are Covered by Red Sandal Paste |72
sindūrāruṇamastakā– She Whose Forehead is Marked with the Vermillion of Love which Brings the Light of Wisdom |73

ghorarūpā ghoradaṁṣṭrā ghorāghoratarā śubhā |
mahādaṁṣṭrā mahāmāyā sudantī yugadanturā |11|

ghorarūpā– She Who is of Fearful Form |74
ghoradaṁṣṭrā– She Whose Teeth are Fearful |75
ghorāghoratarā– She Who is Auspiciousness which Takes Beyond Inauspiciousness |76
śubhā– She Who is Pure |77
mahādaṁṣṭrā– She Who Has Great Teeth |78
mahāmāyā– She Who is the Great Definition of Consciousness |79
sudantī– She Who Has Excellent Teeth |80
yugadanturā– She Who is Beyond the Ages of Time |81

sulocanā virūpākṣī viśālākṣī trilocanā |
śāradenduprasannāsyā sphuratsmerāmbujekṣaṇā |12|

sulocanā– She Who Has Beautiful Eyes |82
virūpākṣī– She Whose Eyes are of Indescribable Form |83
viśālākṣī– She Who Has Great Eyes |84
trilocanā– She Who Has Three Eyes |85
śāradenduprasannāsyā– She Who is Pleased as the Autumn Moon |86
sphuratsmerāmbujekṣaṇā– She Whose Purity Shines in Her Lotus Eyes |87

aṭṭahāsaprasannāsyā smeravaktrā subhāṣiṇī |
prasannapadmavadanā smitāsyā priyabhāṣiṇī |13|

aṭṭahāsaprasannāsyā– She Who Has a Great Laugh in Extreme Pleasure |88
smeravaktrā– She Who Speaks Words of Remembrance |89
subhāṣiṇī– She Who Has Excellent Expression |90
prasannapadmavadanā– She Whose Lotus Lips Smile |91
smitāsyā– She Whose Face is Always Happy |92
priyabhāṣiṇī– She Who is the Beloved Expression of Love |93

koṭarākṣī kulaśreṣṭhā mahatī bahubhāṣiṇī |
sumatiḥ kumatiścaṇdā caṇdamuṇdātiveginī |14|

koṭarākṣī– She Whose Eyes are Infinite |94
kulaśreṣṭhā– She Who is the Excellent of Excellence or of Excellent Family |95
mahatī– She Who Has a Great Mind |96
bahubhāṣiṇī– She Who Has Various Expressions |97
sumatiḥ– She Who Has an Excellent Mind |98
kumatiḥ - She Who has a Devious Mind |99
caṇdā– She Who is Passion |100
caṇdamuṇdātiveginī– She Who Destroys Passion, Meanness and Other Negativities |101

pracaṇdacaṇdikā caṇdī caṇdikā caṇdaveginī |
sukeśī muktakeśī ca dīrghakeśī mahatkucā |15|

pracaṇdacaṇdikā– She Who is Great Terrible Passion |102
caṇdī– She Who Tears Apart Thought |103
caṇdikā– She Who is the Cause of Tearing Apart All Thought |104
caṇdaveginī– She Who Destroys All Passion |105
sukeśī– She Who Has Beautiful Hair |106
muktakeśī ca– She Who Has Unbound Hair and…|107
dīrghakeśī– She Who Has Long Hair |108
mahatkucā– She Who Has Large Breasts |109

pretadehakarṇapūrā pretapāṇisumekhalā |
pretāsanā priyapretā pretabhūmikṛtālayā |16|

pretadehakarṇapūrā– She Who Has the Ears of the Cosmic Body |110
pretapāṇisumekhalā– She Who Has the Hands and Waist of the Cosmic Body |111
pretāsanā– She Who Sits with Disembodied Spirits |112
priyapretā– She Who is the Beloved of Disembodied Spirits |113
pretabhūmikṛtālayā– She Who is the Land Where Disembodied Spirits Reside |114

śmaśānavāsinīpuṇyā puṇyadā kulapaṇditā |
puṇyālayā puṇyadehā puṇyaślokā ca pāvinī |17|

śmaśānavāsinī – She Who Resides in the Cremation Grounds |115
puṇyā– She Who is Merit |116
puṇyadā– She Who is the Giver of Merit |117
kulapaṇditā– She Who is the One of Excellent Knowledge |118
puṇyālayā– She Who is the Residence of Merit |119
puṇyadehā– She Who embodies Merit |120
puṇyaślokā ca– She Whose Every Utterance is Merit and…|121
pāvinī– She Who Blows Like a Fresh Breeze |122

pūtā pavitrā paramā purāpuṇyavibhūṣaṇā |
puṇyanāmnī bhītiharā varadā khaṅgapālinī |18|

pūtā– She Who is the Daughter |123
pavitrā– She Who is Pure |124
paramā– She Who is Supreme |125
purāpuṇyavibhūṣaṇā– She Who Illuminates the Fullest Merit |126
puṇyanāmnī– She Whose Name is Meritorious |127
bhītiharā– She Who Takes away Fear and Doubt |128
varadā– She Who is the Grantor of Boons |129
khaṅgapālinī– She Who Has the Sword of Wisdom in Her Hand |130

nṛmuṇdahastaśastā ca chinnamastā sunāsikā |
dakṣiṇā śyāmalā śyāmā śāntā pīnonnatastanī |19|

nṛmuṇdahastaśastā ca– She Who Holds the Skull of Impure Thought and…|131
chinnamastā– She Who holds the severed Head of Duality |132
sunāsikā– She Who Has an Excellent Organ of Scent |133
dakṣiṇā– She Who Looks to the South;She Who is the Offering Made in Respect for Guidance |134
śyāmalā– She Who has a Dark Complexion |135
śyāmā– She Who is Dark |136
śāntā– She Who is Peace |137
pīnonnatastanī– She Who Raises the Trident in Her Hand |138

digambarā ghorarāvā sṛkkāntā raktavāhinī |
ghorarāvā śivāsaṁgī visaṁgī madanāturā |20|

digambarā– She WhoWears Space |139
ghorarāvā– She Whose Sound is Terrible |140
sṛkkāntā– She Whose Beauty Creates |141
raktavāhinī– She Who is the Vehicle of Passion |142
ghorarāvā– She Whose Sound is Terrible |143
śivāsaṁgī– She Who is with Śiva |144
visaṁgī– She Who is Without Any Other |145
madanāturā– She Who is the Ultimate Intoxication |146

mattā pramattā pramadā sudhāsindhunivāsinī |
atimattā mahāmattā sarvākarṣṇakāriṇī |21|

mattā– She Who is the Great Mind of Thinker |147
pramattā– She Who is the Foremost Mind or Thinker |148
pramadā– She Who is the Giver of Preeminence |149
sudhāsindhunivāsinī– She Who Resides in the Ocean of Purity |150
atimattā– She Who is the Extremely Great Mind |151
mahāmattā– She Who is the Great Great Mind |152
sarvākarṣṇakāriṇī– She Who is the Cause of All Attraction |153

gītapriyā vādyaratā pretanṛtyaparāyaṇā |
caturbhujā daśabhujā aṣṭādaśabhujā tathā |22|

gītapriyā– She Who is the Beloved of Songs |154
vādyaratā– She Who is Extremely Pleased by Music |155
pretanṛtyaparāyaṇā– She Who is the Eternal Dance of Disembodied Spirits |156
caturbhujā– She Who Has Four Arms |157
daśabhujā– She Who Has Ten Arms |158
aṣṭādaśabhujā tathā – She Who Has Eighteen Arms also |159

kātyāyanī jaganmātā jagatāṁ parameśvarī |
jagadbandhurjagaddhātri jagadānandakāriṇī |23|

kātyāyanī– She Who is Ever Pure |160
jaganmātā– She Who is the Mother of the Perceivable Universe |161
jagatāṁ parameśvarī– She Who is the Supreme Ruler of the Perceivable Universe |162
jagadbandhuḥ - She Who is the Friend of the Perceivable Universe |163
jagaddhātri– She Who Creates the Perceivable Universe |164
jagadānandakāriṇī– She Who is the Cause of Bliss in the Perceivable Universe |165

jagajjīvamayī haimavatī māyā mahāmahī |
nāgayajñopavītāṅgī nāginī nāgaśāyinī |24|

jagajjīvamayī– She Who is the Manifestation of All Life in the Universe |166
haimavatī– She Who is Born in Himalayas |167
māyā– She Who is the Great Measurement of Consciousness |168
mahāmahī– She Who is the Great Expression |169
nāgayajñopavītāṅgī– She Who is the Sacred Thread on the Body of the Snake, the Adornment of Kuṇdalinī |170
nāginī– She Who is the Snake |171
nāgaśāyinī– She Who Rests on Snakes |172

nāgakanyā devakanyā gandharvī kinnareśvarī |
moharātrirmahārātrirdāruṇā bhāsvarāsurī |25|

nāgakanyā– She Who is the Daughter of the Snake |173
devakanyā– She Who is the Daughter of the Gods |174
gandharvī– She Who Sings Celestial Divine Tunes |175
kinnareśvarī– She Who is the Supreme Ruler of Heavenly Beings |176
moharātriḥ– She Who is the Night of Ignorance |177
mahārātriḥ - She Who is the Great Night |178
dāruṇā – She Who Supports All |179
bhāsvarāsurī– She Whose Radiance Destroys Duality |180

vidyādharī vasumatī yakṣiṇī yogini jarā |
rākṣaśī dakini vedamayī vedavibhūṣaṇā |26|

vidyādharī– She Who Grants Great Knowledge |181
vasumatī– She Who Has Wealth |182
yakṣiṇī– She Who Gives Wealth |183
yogini– She Who is Always in Union |184
jarā– She Who is Old |185
rākṣaśī– She Who is the Mother of All Demons |186
dakini– She Who is the Female Celestial Being |187
vedamayī– She Who is the Expression of Wisdom |188
vedavibhūṣaṇā– She Who Illuminates Wisdom |189

śrutiḥ smṛtirmahāvidyā guhyavidyā purātanī |
cintyā-cintyā svadhā svāhā nidrā tandrā ca pārvatī |27|

śrutiḥ– She Who is That Which Has Been Heard |190
smṛtiḥ - She Who is That Which is Remembered |191
mahāvidyā– She Who is Great Knowledge |192
guhyavidyā– She Who is Hidden Knowledge |193
purātanī– She Who is the Oldest Manifested Existence |194
cintyā – She Who is Thought |195
acintyā– She Who is Unthinkable |196
svadhā– She Who is Oblations of Ancestral Praise |197
svāhā– She Who is Oblations of I am One with God |198
nidrā– She Who is Sleep |199
tandrā ca– She Who is Partially Awake and |200
pārvatī– She Who is Daughter of the Mountain |201

aparṇā niścalā lolā sarvavidyā tapasvinī |
gaṁgā kāśī śacī sītā satī satyaparāyaṇā |28|

aparṇā– She Who is Without parts |202
niścalā– She Who Cannot be Divided |203
lolā– She Who has a Protruding Tongue |204
sarvavidyā– She Who is All Knowledge |205
tapasvinī– She Who is the Performer of Purifying Austerities |206
gaṁgā– She Who is the Holy River (Ganga) |207
kāśī– She Who is Benares |208
śacī– She Who is the Wife of Indra |209
sītā– She Who is the Wife of Rāma |210
satī– She Who is the Wife of Śiva |211
satyaparāyaṇā– She Who Always Moves in truth |212

nītiḥ sunītiḥ surucistuṣṭiḥ puṣṭirdhṛtiḥ kṣamā |
vāṇī buddhirmahālakṣmīrlakṣmīrnīlasarasvatī |29|

nītiḥ– She Who is Sustematized Knowledge or Method |213
sunītiḥ– She Who is Excellent Systematized Knowledge |214
suruciḥ - She Who is Excellent Taste |215
tuṣṭiḥ– She Who is Satisfaction |216
puṣṭiḥ - She Who is Nourishment |217
dhṛtiḥ– She Who is Consistent Solidity |218
kṣamā– She Who is Forgiveness |219
vāṇī– She Who is Words |220
buddhiḥ - She Who is Intelligence |221
mahālakṣmīḥ - She Who is the Great Goal of Existence |222
lakṣmīḥ - She Who is the Goal |223
nīlasarasvatī– She Who is the Blue Goddess of Knowledge |224

srotasvatī sarasvatī mātaṁgī vijayā jayā |
nadī sindhuḥ sarvamayī tārā śūnyanivāsinī |30|

srotasvatī– She Who is the Spirit of All Sound |225
sarasvatī– She Who is the Personification of One’s Own Ocean of Existence |226
mātaṁgī– She Who is the Mother of All Bodies |227
vijayā– She Who is Conquest |228
jayā– She Who is Victory |229
nadī sindhuḥ– She Who is Rivers and Oceans |230
sarvamayī– She Who is the Expression of All |231
tārā– She Who is the Illuminator |232
śūnyanivāsinī– She Who Resides in Silence |233